Belgische Tourette Vereniging
Tourette tics adhd oogknipperen concentratiestoornissen syndroom van gilles de la tourette
Informatie over Tourette (Engels)
Tourette's syndrome, also known as tourette's disorder, is often associated with other conditions, such as attention deficit disorder, executive dysfunction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, juvenile bipolar disorder, 'rage attacks,' pervasive developmental disorders, sleep problems, and sensory issues. behavioral and educational tips with many free resources are included in this comprehensive site for parents, educators, and clinicians.
Nederlandse Tourette Vereniging
De stichting gilles de la tourette nederland is een landelijke vrijwilligersorganisatie met als doel mensen en familie van mensen te helpen om te gaan met het syndroom van tourette.
Tourette plus iets anders
Tourette plus iets anders